Meet you at the core
Meet you at the core.
It started with you being all tangled up like the best way I like to wake up with you. It came after a fearful night as I once again committed myself to you, to this journey as far and wide as it may go. You told me we are going to go to deep places. It seems to me that I am going to have to fully fall apart sooner than later - like a rumbling in my gut when the waters break - when you feel like you will be sick with all the trembling and finally just have to submit - because you already consented long ago. I cannot believe I am here - have made it this far - but you draw me in with your eyes of love and what more do you see - do I see? Right now my vision is blinkered - just a sense of my own rotting flesh - the dogs are in the river and you are wishing your brother birthday love - the geese are flying off for the day - as they enjoy the settled weather of this great southern land. Long ago they came before man was here in flocks so great you would cry like a baby to lie under their great alighting - I am lost- thank god. The forest knows where I am - a fucking beard has grown on me and will soon be like Mr Twit with pie and cheese waiting for you or my children to pull out and say: “Gross!” I thought of our friend James high above the sea on his green rolling hills with this dogs around him and the gentle look of tears in his smiley eyes - bless him - bless all souls that take what life brings and let it be honey - soul salve for you and others. I’ve never know that a place like this temple might bruise and break me - a little house in the suburban sprawl by a river that leads to the sea - where you and I have set up something we don’t know what it will be. Soon enough we will see as the people roll in - from all accounts it will be interesting - not the usual - as the soul culture is taking itself mainstream - but by a haggled, bedraggled path - I haven’t the faintest clue what will be asked of me or you - but really, darling - I love you - will will hold on to life - to you - to this river that will take us to a wider sea and beyond - to ride dolphins and glare at the softly spoken moon.