
The kahu soars - takes flight about my eye

is looking for breakfast - is looking to see

beady eyed predator. I feel his wings

send me a protectorate cloak - covers

this land with his sovereign sign of love -

I see you - I am here

such power - such grace

That a birds wings can embrace

me from a soaring height - can transmit

a feeling of safety from all that movement

and silent grace.

Grace is what is missing,

my friend said. The church had everything

but grace - did not know what to do with

those who were outside the rules, outside the law

They became outsiders

and I - among the willing

was willing to other them too.

Now, Iā€™m coming back to Christ - his energy of grace.

His loving of leper, sinner, tax collector, prostitute

his love of Mary Magdalene and his willingness

to have not his will but that of utter self

sacrifice be his lot. I take a lot from his leaf

Indeed it is the only path to take

when you have trodden such an

institutional life as mine -

to pick out the pieces of love and grace

and to find homes for them in my body

and in the way I love you

In the way I let myself die so that

Christ in me might live

let that hawk like love

soar in me -

protect those who must find love, not judgement

love, not judgement


Not fear, but love

