Image credit: Chat GBT when asked to create an image from my writing
I dreamt of a large shark like creature in a boat, all tied up that wanted to chomp roasted coffee. It become smaller and less fearsome as the dream went on - I carried it to water. First fresh - then further out to salt - I didn’t want it to die - rather, after it had been poked and prodded and was almost looking dead I took it to the sea proper and let it go - wished it to live out beyond the shallows in the deep. I undressed it from its baby clothes - those things people had put on it to pretty it up, to make it more civil. And I swam with it to the vent - where powerful currents sucked it out through to where I didn’t know. I was left helpless in the currents calling for help because I was also going to be sucked into a cortex of salt water. Rescued I am in a party space full of people - Serbians and Asians - and wondering about, Jordy is there making his fashion shop coffee land even more beautiful - crying over spilt milk, I cuddled him, told him he was tremendous - that he was doing fine. I was captivated at what coffee had become - a fashion piece - the coolest people all sitting around my joint - beer squeezed from aluminium sachets into small tasting glasses. This was the future and it felt fun and interesting - I felt fun and interesting - and I also didn’t care - wanted to stay close to that scary, salty shark - my primordial roots that were dangerous and good - that were able to tell me things that the world of commerce would not be able to. Fear then, was love and love helped me get up at 5am. This condition called life once again in motion - giving substance to my life - the great roller coaster of what comes next with a big heart and willingness to go to places I’d rather not.