For the men
For the men of this lodge.
This irresistable rage tag bunch of seekers, lovers, prayers, doers.
For all the grief we carry
For all the losses logged
For all the heartbreak held oh
so gently down life’s merry, merry stream.
I salute you, from
my deep well of a heart
From the Iron John hairy wild man’s core
to yours
I bow in humble adoration
of your hard won victories
Your sore sore losses
and the hum drum
everyday magic of our sometimes pedestrian, suburban lives.
We find ourselves together in threshold places
We nurse the wound, break open that which still needs Christ’s wounded healer attention.
And all the while - a river of love is where we sit, moving through it’s eddies, staying in the middle of it’s flow - open arms, laying down our weapons and armour - entering into the second half and even finding deep eldership.
You, my men of this lodge. This is for you.