First snow

It snowed last night upon the mountains. Way up high - where they sat still and the sky became form upon them.

Wonder of wonders - air - water - ice. Becoming has its way in plain sight. I wake and feel a joy, deep and powerful in my chest - something of majesty is set before me - something sacred and immense stands true and unwavering.

It is the power of the land to evoke these feelings in this mere terrestrial - beckon me to fall to my knees in silent worship. The place of beauty and wonder never gets old in me - though I am learning to guard my heart from all affections - those powerful and sweeping that might not be a call from the wild - but in all causes - lead back to my wild - to this child who sat staring at stars, who sat on a sycamore bow and talked to God, who stopped his car as a teenager to watch the sun set on his home range.

This is God - this cold, blue-white bleakness in all it’s splendor.




Try and fail