Another time
Image credit: stone faced hedge beaford
In another time and place the hedgerows are
looking at me - asking through the stony walls
to greet me - hawthorn and yew
they greet me
these walls hold time
Separated by only the space between me and
the other side
I long to find my way through
this time and time again continuum.
this spacious space
and I shall -
whether I be cut and bruised
whether I get lost and then found
there is something trustworthy about
the pursuit of the other side.
that wide open field
where I can feel my heart
and my tender love,
Where I love myself wildly
and the world loves me back.
isn’t this what we all need?
To fall into the larger arms of
To be broken in just the right
way so our full light shines through?
So our children can see our souls
and not just the make believe
of the show we have shown them for so long?
I think so and I will live so,
turning the stones in my pocket
saying the runes and incanting the magic
words - then stepping up the rough,
stone walls, into the spiky bushes
and one final leap till I’m in
your field,
Till my life is once again,
torn open.