God’s glory
Image credit: Cosmic River by BourneOzzy
Upon God’s morning - the glory lay
hand upon hand - the movement of time and nothing seems what it is
Beyond the pale hills sets forth a heart
bolder and bolder it gets
as its journey through forest and fountain grow deeper. It knows not of dangers and peril.
It does not take account of misery or treachery. It is it’s own life and from it’s own source it walks on boldly.
Coming up a river ford - it eases itself into the current - is caught by the deep and lets go.
Joyous and trembling it floats down completely unhindered - no friction to lessen it’s speed.
This heart is aflame in the water no less - watching with eager eyes for the scenery around each bend - the river creatures going about their business - the eel and trout below in the deeper water.
All is well and all will be well and all manner of things will be well.
The heart sings to itself - songs of pride, songs of long ago - songs that make it swell and burst - becoming one with these ancient waters - becoming one with everything it already was.