This place is their place. The birds. They own the skies and in most places the land. Landing, surveying, owning their place in the place of all things. Over and over they circle - their bird eye looking, seeing everything. We can’t possibly image the maps of the world that birds hold in their collective imagination. They big picture dreamed over and over. No wonder they are so light of feather. So sonorous about existing. They see the impenetrable blue of the cosmos and the deep green and blue of the earth and oceans. Theirs is a dialogue worth having. Their avian ways are fit for purpose. And we have lost our bearings - earth dwellers hating the earth - not knowing how or what we are. Up, up, up - the kahu’s glide sends protective energies down to us. The tui in their mad flitting are saying: “wake up and love! Wake up and be you!” The kereru are the content luxury liners of this airspace - musically moving - parabola lifts and dives - taking the whole valley in as they move from forrest to forrest. To observe this is to be alive. To take into our bodies their hard won truths as energy waves free for our inhabiting. We begin to fly ourselves - upon the imagination of their many wings.