SOC Writing _ 3rd July 2020
I travel alone. This time, it was meant for me only - This path over mountains and cold – sometimes treacherous. This path is full of ogres and monsters – liars and thieves, but also maidens and clear, cool running streams – like places in dreams and nightmares. To awake from the doze to awake, but then to stay in dream – this is our new world – betwixt and between – an entire plane of liminal existence. Pull in what is coming, create a vanguard at the rear to protect what is arriving. The old peoples have hardened their hearts when the Lords spoke. A great chasm has opened to devour them, - there is a great sadness – wailing for the lost, old ones. The comfortable ways of being – all the while a new joy is arising – from the throng of the many comes a song – a song of old and new – rising, rising against the dark desert – the wilderness in which the people have wandered for so many years. The wandering was a proving ground, not getting anywhere particular – but letting go the cultural excesses of Egypt – the things that would pollute a new world- the elders who never grew to become elders. All these things must be extinguished from the people before they can enter the promised land. And me – where am I? What do I need to extinguish to move into sacred ground – what muscles must develop? What stamina must arrive before I step onto my platform and speak my truth? I don’t know. It is all arriving – every moment – every day – new reinforcements to garner the armies of the living against the dead. You will be one of the warriors – lift your samurai sword – colour blaze and blue light haze in the amazing arc of celestial power ringing shrill – the metal resonance and harmony of the blade made for not a spade- but creative protective force – field. My mind a play ground of beauty – the only thing worth protecting is coming from a place you don’t know – from a people you haven’t met – there in that clearing, you will know what to do.