Tears of light
SOC Writing _ 27.8.21
Tears of Light
Your tears gather under your chin – a birthplace of the torment and the joy – the place where all the feelings pool and drop, pool and descend. Gravity has its funny way of pulling us down – close to the earth – down into dirt and stones – close so we don’t really hurt when we fall – which is an inevitability. The future is written in the stars or so they say. A world beyond where we are is surely still being put together by magical fingers of the greatest dexterity – at the quantum level. I am amazed at how we move through this. How you call me into my depths - how the earth I had know to be stable for so long is now a tectonic plate on the move – opening up potential for a new island to form – new land to thrust forward – new species to adapt to a new landscape and environment. If only I would hold my own she muses down my speaker wires to the dark brooding ocean – if only we would hold our own – then life’s miseries would transform into our friends – I’m talking of the deep inner work here. The transformation that is possible and waiting for every human that has desire to reach for a more distant future than the immediate fix our culture is now so deeply addicted to. Addicted me, addicted you – in all of us the mind fire and expire those earlier sensibilities – when we were children we set up the chemical highways – the side roads that were once joyful meandering places to find ourselves have now been forgotten – overgrown with weeds and other pioneering species – it is time to re-find – re –wild and take possession of what we had lost at birth – those things still our own before our parents passed on their traumas and we sunk beneath the waves of pain and medication. I am now talking of, think to a place that is in the heart – stems forth like an opiate to feed the hearts pain at just the right synapse – to fire a whole new string of lights we have put together in the stars.