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We grow wilder with each little step. Taking things down to the river then to the black hole we put at the centre of the living room. Staring into this abyss we unload and unleash the blackness in ourselves - say the things we don’t want to say and in this unfurling find that we have a much bigger life holding us. This morning we are new - like new babies to each other. I feel it under the covers the way your face even is deeper to me than before - the stilt has settled and I can peer into you as if a pond, or my favorite boyhood stream looking for crayfish. There is a peace - a peace that passes understanding for being true to what want to come forth - a dying to the old scripts that I’ve used to stay safe - not successfully mind you. There is now the possibility of depth and deeper - dark and darker still - wild and reckless - where we ‘wreck less’ when we let go into love. This thing called love could be the totem around which we dance - is the alpha and omega that pulls us glinting into matter and is the consequence of saying yes once again to the life that is here - was always - and will continue to be. I am doing work - being worked - my stars had shunted this work into my face last August as my astrologer told me it would be easier if I started it - the work would find me all the same even if I resisted it - such is our fate - the way we must grow old into life - into source - for we will not too soon find ourselves again at the gate of light - following its path into a new body and over the merry go round it goes - goes in this life - this incarnation - why wouldn’t we work our asses off? Be Brave? Fearless and feckless? Because if seems to matter more than for just us - our fractal parts are all spinning inside the whole lot of us - and for their good and ours we turn the wheel, say the prayer and keep up this practice of loving each other all the way through.