Plain language
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When I speak and when I write it is from a place of the poetic - it is from the mystical. I want to live in this place. It is not necessarily the most helpful place to coach from or to help others in particular ways - it is a way of speaking and being that I have cultivated over years and it is my way I wish to continue in.
My friend reflected to me yesterday that my language use even in my mens retreat poster might not be understood by most men - even the men I am wanting to give service to. And he is correct - phrases like your one wild and precious life - which is Mary Oliver - do not make sense to a man in his 40’s in a 40 hour corporate job - it would be like going to the opera for him. And it is true - I am not as focused on where my intended people are - this service of writing being about getting two steps back to where I was when I was first looking for more depth and meaning.
Does this mean I change my style? Perhaps. Perhaps adjust to a more other perspectived place - perhaps using more plain language will be of greater service. I thought I was going to write resentments about this but no - its all part of my great unfurling - there I go again - know what that means? Perhaps not, but it has a great ring to it doesn’t it?
So, to service of the other - to making things plain enough that people can understand so they actually get on this boat that is going some place deeper and stranger - then - by all means hammer them with poetry!