
There are rats everywhere - one even in the pantry yesterday. I restarted an old worm farm in the green house. I should have known when you put good, half eaten food into a natural setting - something is going to eat it - something rather big and furry and with the ability to grow its brood quickly.

So out comes the air gun - I think I shot one on the porch - dear little thing - has no idea that the humans are plotting its demise. We can’t get rid of the vermin in our lives if we leave food all around to feed them.

I will go to town and take the worm farm to higher ground. I will then rat proof the entire board walk under the greenhouse floor - and perhaps, perhaps we will get back to some homeostasis.

It’s going wild these days.

Seasons tricking animals, birds and insects into thinking one has arrived when its still not time. An entire year of brood dying as they emerge into the sunlight like frogs in mud to discover no food, no warm spring - just a glitch in the matrix, a false alarm - but for them its certain death. These instinctual creatures are just that - they run on instinct. Have nothing else to make decisions on. We human, fat brained beings will last a little longer with our critical faculites - but really - we too will surcome to a shock surprise - one that we had a hand in creating - like me with the rats - but one that everually will be far beyond our remediation.


First light figs


More than enough