Becoming Wise
SOC Writing_ 21 July 2020
Becoming Wise
Starts at home with all the devices off. The captured mind from the other is always a risk and in this age – my capture comes from my fascination with conflict – news that views and twists reality. To what extent do I partake in this sprawling mess called media? The media mind is a beast that consumes, subsumes everything to its flat land of nil imagination. The tribe, the cult, the nation state – all bearings of a north star in another galaxy. I am waking up too slowly and have left home to gather what stars I can and yet feel completely bereft and alone. Stare out at sea and let the tears comes – the gut won’t rupt but oh I long to cry – cry an eternal stream of tears to let out what must flow – what knows what I don’t know – the undertow of her – the blanket of sky and terra firma are calling my name and I haven’t turned my head. What do they want to say? Why am I unwilling to hear? The longest day beckons and the golden star arises from the West – and the East light is first – but first we must prepare. Put your hands back into that earth where ashes have laid, where she plaid your hair and gently caresses your face – the grandmother gaze is missed here – for she has the power to see and the time to reflect upon me – who are you my dear one – what do you need – how can I be of service? The old wrinkles and warm bosom hold tight to my face as she reads story after story and continues to call me, darling. Oh ancient one – drifting in clouds of star dust – remind me of your words today – let me not forget your face reflecting my face – my name, my goodness – not another clone – but the everyday drone of the workers has hurt my mind, left me unsettled – settlers colonize what wasn’t theirs – friendships could have been possible – but machinations from the power dons have pulled the human instinct to be and do together – here in fact, crushed the idea that we need one another. And we must, we must keep ourselves accountable to our love for each other.