Cradle the sun
SOC Writing _ 21.9.21
Cradle the sun
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In its rays we find light and plants find sustenance – we are all light – light beings of one sort or another – raising up before the sun every day – the only reason we are pointing upwards, growing is because of this, delicious ever present force. In wonder I become a sojourner of my dreams – waking with the felt presence of the beings that chose to inhabit my sleeping hours – now, their feeling wanders through me – looking for a home, a place to be more real than dream – but as the sun rises, they too fade – like all dreams – some last longer than others, have a message – what is your message this morning, that I shall not misconstrue? The only door is the one I have yet not opened - the one that is wanting just for me. I alone hold the keys to my own planetary god-like-ness. In all this travail I’ve become more open – more porous – and far less knowing of anything. Yes, I still plan and have my dreams that I put into action – am still to roof the hen house - do I really want more beings to care for? That’s always at the forefront – wanting not to be more responsible for a chook – a cat, definitely not a dog. Children are enough and then, I like being local – find sustenance in not going to the city – like it’s taken me years to land in my own two feet after leaving the sanctity and safety of marriage – like I’m just showing up to this place as me – not wanting to travel here and there to find enjoyment – satisfaction is here – I know this now and so I build my Taurean palace, tend my orchard and plan my podcast – basic things that have me stayed and so yes, maybe the chooks will come – maybe the cat because God, I’m sick of the mice – and maybe not – because it’s all enough all the time and you’re right – I don’t know what’s around this corner or that.