This place turns people on. Livens up their dance. There is something on/in this rocky mountain with it’s crystal rock high above the German, stone sanctuary with its perfect acoustics for human voice.
We live in wild times.
We come to dance to resource ourselves for a world falling apart.
To ground ourselves in the midst of turmoil - and yes, I do feel a little tug to join this dance teacher world - to be one of the few men in these spaces - calling other men to get into the wisdom of their bodies and live fully into the life that is longing to become them.
So much beauty - thats the overarching sense - beauty in the people and in the dance and what the dance creates as we let it move us - but also moving skilfully with it’s variations - with its utter knowing of how we come to earth, ground - how we dissolve all that we must let go of - and how we come towards and away from each other.
Its pure love expressing itself in form - Just like this ink is flowing perfectly from my pen - the lines arriving just so across the page - like visitors from another realm - magic ink appearing where once there was nothing.
So too is our dance a mysterious lover - one who arrives and pulls us into the mystery - just as I do not know what will next appear on this page.
That you Mana, thank you Geordie, thank you dancers, thank you body for holding everything that lives and dies inside me.