Musings of an open mind

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Flower power

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Flower power

In the stamen, in the innermost parts
where the bees come, where the fly
is attracted, I am attracted. Attracted
to this life giving power that begets children
all at once - they give and they get - life 
for the bee colony and life for the plant. I give
and I get - not from the places I would
always suspect. Not from lover, not from
children not from mother. But from a place 
of strangers, client, dog, ocean - and the bark
of that Eucalyptus tree that I press my
nose against many many days, over the years
 and the tree stands strong, still. There. She is
there when everything else is in flux and 
moving around. I appreciate the sureness of
a tree and how my forehead fits into the 
well worn patch of bark - how my kiss
of her skin is as passionate as any
lips - and then gaze up at her strong
limbs. You were once a seed, a sapling.
Something no one noticed. But now there
you are and I notice you - like the 
bee notices flowers because it must 
like the every day magic we all
need to conduct our lives