Just here

I am, we are, just here.

Just here, because then we are gone.

Just here, because our attention is like fleeting wind, carrying us away every other moment.

I am just here - also because this is where I can barely cope to hold the extent of life, the extent of understanding and knowledge that has become my birthright - a long time since as an ape man I dealt in more simpler trades.

Stepping outside into the moonlit morning scape I am immediately overwhelmed with my place in this vast unfolding.

Does anyone else feel this?

This exasperated gaze at how to be in times like these - its as if all our consciousness is live to each other - as if the poetics of imagination has us all in thrall to some timeless let-down, or re-up - I’m not sure which one - an intra planetary expanse - and it just does me in - too much to download and I don’t mean from screens - the energetics of this are magical in their outworking.

We are being collectively, consciously, worked - by the entire planet. And we are at that great turning point so many have been pointing to - where one way signals a vast burial - the other a vast awakening - its freaking exhausting!



