This morning I sit without tea. The morning has cut short with eldest son’s sore tummy, with late rise youngest and wet bed and shower. It’s a small aberration to the morning flow and not a big deal - still, I could go make the tea and be late for school by 10 minutes.
The things we put ourselves though to obey the clock - though time does not wait for us - we have become it’s prisoners - scurrying around like nothing else matters than getting anywhere on time. The school bell, the 9 o’clock clock-in - the subordinates watching to see if the boss takes his place - all in the grand scheme of getting things done. What are we getting done? What are we really progressing towards?
I wonder if some day soon there will be a revolt - like a peasant’s revolt - where everyone just downs tools and rests - goes for walks and just does, nothing. We got a glimpse of that in lockdown - but people’s mental health loves routine - it seems we have acclimated to a busy system and it is indeed painful to our sense of normalcy to stop and step out of that system.
I feel it here on the land - the constant nag of busyness even if like today, I have a child home sick - and would it be enough to tidy the house, light the fire, put on the evening meal and just sit and read?
Doubtful says my inner critic - but that is what I shall do - and they will just have to deal with it.