One up one down
SOC Writing _ 5.8.21
One up one down
So it is and so it goes – one foot in front of the next – so are the days our lives – too fond of looking to the horizon we, in humility are desperate for the smell of soil – wish to be low and lowly – stoop to where ant and earthworm carry out there quite mysteries. Who are we really anyway? This fleshy mind body walking talking – sexing and making noise? What is our place among the plants and earth – animals and sky – waves and birds – I cant help but thinking we are an aberration – something come to shift the planet into it’s next extinction event – but done consciously – so that the mother might once again have her way – a sort of Noah’s flood brought on by the evil and arrogance of people - could be – could also be something else. I wonder as my pen tracks wildly not wanting to to stop - not wanting to collect my thoughts – but pell-mell, helter-skelter onward – down towards the ravine where Jesus sent the swine flying – demons screaming and the town’s economy up the creek. Why am I here? To what purpose and end? The schroom’s told her that you are nothing really – really, really nothing – such is the grandness and wide expanse of the universe unfolding endlessly in all direction that we kid ourselves about purpose. Then – then there is love – hardest of all – but most beautiful – this is the polymorphic field one can be part of – where – how? – it is still such a mystery and yet in the particular I am born again – and again – in this one flesh – this other flesh beside me – we find ourselves – the universe love incarnate – the whole Jesus story comes to us to rid us of the universal and make us pay close attention to this – this here – now – our lives here and now – nothing ever over there – nothing but this – not a holding pen – but the vast sum of our lives tied up with the cosmic story being told under the covers of our skin, and our love for each other.