Big ideas


SOC Writing _ 13.9.21

Big Ideas

So you’ve had a big idea. Good for you – what now? What about that idea? Have you got some place to put it – foot it? Plant it? Has your garden been tended sufficient so it can grow? You need to ask yourself these questions – well you don’t, you just need to act. Act in a way that moves you, like a car trying to get somewhere – you will move if you drive it – it can always change direction – but you ain’t gonna travel without moving – unless you’re Jamiroquai. So good luck with that thing under your nose - smelling sweetly as the spring grows and you watch it wither and maybe die – because you gotta plant it! Put it somewhere – commit to a spot that will give it half a change of succeeding – like my loquat tree – can tolerate some shade – so, though it’s not ideal – I’m gonna plant it next to the apple tree - in some shade – it will do ok, well even perhaps – but a fuck ton better than if I leave it out on the deck looking ok now but its roots are crying out for real soil with earthworms and stuff. And stuff – and stuff it – stuff yourself full with words – with ideas – make a life of them if you please – you maybe pleased to know that this is a completely legitimate path - I could take – you could take – any one – any how, anywhere – the tops of the roof are lifting off in this storm – the bamboo swaying like I’ve never noticed them – and my inner guts has fallen out as I expose my seed over you this morning – not wanting to but needing to know the difference between the colour and power of two different liquids. Alas, over the microphone I will entertain yet another guest as I work on my big idea – try to bring to life that which is in me – my seeds to blow over soil – take root and hopefully become yet another version of my fabulous self.



