SOC Writing _ 17.11.21
Please say your needs and I’ll say mine. Let’s not keep that creature locked up in the dark, alone. It’s meant to join each of us in the light - say your piece - invite me into that intricate world between head, heart - soul - that matter place of particularity - where I affect you and you affect me - we are like planets circling the sun - through an obit set long ago we pass each other - we spray out cosmic gases and make and remake each other - the I-though - the solitary and the knit tight - like a blanket your grandmother may have made - you and me, pieces of the same quilt. A long time ago we dropped off into the individual land - the place of aloneness were we both found our ways of coping - coping with the cuts and bruises - the parent wounding - the soul wounding - and ancestral trauma we are only beginning to notice. I notice in your feeling - a lostness - a coming away at the seams - I worry, but mostly I love - and wish only to bring you in closer to me. I doubt you will let me - but try I will - and forever - give you a hope that something new will emerge if we go through this door that I am, that you are - if we allow our bodies to need and be needed - don’t divorce this from life but accept and embrace that we will continue to matter to each other - lives entwined and yet apart - lonely and held - hoped for dreams we talk about in the car to whanganui - the tears of desire can be desires we mine together - will you let me? Will you let you? Go to the far off places - feed yourself fat with the good foods - come back to me starving for the particular that you are famished for - and I shall give you all that I am - do you hear me? All that I am.