Tree of life

Tree of life

SOC Writing _ 9.9.21

Tree of life

I am a tree of life, death and all the other things that constitute my life. This emblem is something that makes me come alive – I want to be grand but also to stand for something, for someone, for all - as a place to gather and a space to make and be. A tree is delightful when part of a forest – but to the onlooker lost in the faceless green of all the other sheep. We are so apt at being led – led by the masses - by those with masks – holding power, looking out of the common good. We need to sink a few layers deeper – ask why we are really here - and base our decision on at least something we know to be thoughtfully our own – but we struggle – we struggle to rise to that – having been fed on the consumer good that we each doled out from parents, the TV and society – we learnt to behave not like my youngest – do as he pleases and with heart. The heart of this tree is life – longs to draw from water table unseen by human eye - can stand in a storm or drought – is able to watch the unseeable and hold corporate grief as if the world was ending – but then it didn’t. We talked of a world ending fire and have been burnt by it just enough to see what lies beneath our shabby clothing – revealing more flesh, more blood - the mettle we are both made of. And here we stand at a precipice looking at our lives – asking the big questions – feeling the tug of soul – not knowing which way to go or how to hold or let go. Dunno mind – the mind that doesn’t have the answer – does not even generate the questions. Why, why must it be so fraught in our comings and goings – why must I find a solution that matches all my problems? The body tells its truths – each moment different to the next as I lay by you in the glinting sun hands wanting your face – body embrace - another ocean on this spring and auspicious day of the rest of our lives.


Burn the sky

