SOC Writing _ 6.10.21
I admire you, admire us - admire the sense in the room that we are all in this together - from the love at the core to the destiny in store - what gets in the way of the best things in our day is fear - of course - and staying separate - lonely selves - As I reach out - extend what’s alive it come back as truth - as something to grow from - compost for the next season of our new shoots that push from terra madre - as they hold their secrets, tell not lies - but lie fully in wait for the warm earth - for the spring rains - to burst forward. In your marriage tree I see love - love arising, blossoming forth from your deepest, darkest corners - as you dance in front of death and the sex goddess Isis - you become new - the scales falling from you eyes and I wonder when you will walk up these stairs and I will fall on my knees in wonder and in wrecked abandonment - All my wounds are coming home to rest in this tree of love - my life of loving coming to pass from the past soul landing of my being in this place - now no longer closed but held and discovered by another love to light my path for now - I love you - can’t get enough of speaking that out - wanting to fall further in and harder to get out. All of my yearnings I let go as this portal opens and the blood begins to flow - the night of this night - not fraught but like liquid - the gold here is immense and I will go by the way of the forest, check in at the well of Iron John and make my hands and hair gold - break the promise I made to my father so that I can go further on and farther in - even sell my house - let lose the silver cord that holds me to things that do not matter and come crawling in to this temple of love - surprised, delighted and in absolute admiration of the firm foundation now set in my heart - set in your heart. x