
Braved the cold, Pacific waters to call in dolphins, penguins and the odd shag. We make ritual the rising of this full moon in the gaze of the great expanse of this southern coastline. All the waves washed over me and somehow seeing you and me in the fire light was like the first night - the first alight down into your arms where the tenderest parts of me found welcome and rest. You lent towards me as you whispered your inner workings - the soft, touching parts of you that themselves only knew how to speak - and beckoned me to do the same. The full moon took us both and we writhed in ecstasy at her pleasure - the rising of this new tide in our lives in all the waking world. What are we here for? What gold in us wants to be mined at this point - to become part of a new standard of currency to usher in a new era of creative human endeavour. We are going to be apart - yet I do not feel I will die - but rather continue my work as you dive head first into yours - lonely at times but our daimons know how to be with that. All across the world - there are awakenings, standings - the leadership and power that the gods have called for are echoing through our hearts - shooting through like dark matter illuminating everything that was kept hidden. I do not know what to make of all this. From where I stand, the old fear body want to back up the truck - return to the south node where everything was familiar - but the jungle is calling - that is where your treasure is - and in you must go, well companioned with you, love - and well held by a much bigger field of love, light and darkness. This time is upon us and we rest not till the deeds are done - till our stand has been made firm - and we don’t talk - we act - such has been our calling form the very beginning.


I’d build a house for you


Queen of despair