My home

SOC Writing _ 8.11.21

My home

My home, my garden, my place, my space - this grace that comes to me from above - from below -  I fucking love this life - life! Forces me from the ordinary being to the high low grow in my body - in my distress - the trees have bodies hanging from them - my bodies - lined up as this corpses of everything that has to die - leave me alone to die - die alone - lonely. Jesus, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change - the courage to change the things I can - and the fucking wisdom to know the difference. Know the difference - between what this heart knows - knows what it wants and what it doesn't - what it won’t say for fear - but you have to turn up fully to it all - or self sabotage - give this everything or give it nothing - love, love, love, love - die, die, die - live, live, live - love you. All in all, it’s been a life worth living - and now what - this house - this house - me in my 7th house, my 8th house - the things of you - not mine - this year of your assets and wealth - now you affect me and will continue to - I will go with you - print the ticket, stand at the gate - walk through to unknown consequences. We cannot know what this calls forth in us - I can’t know and don’t want to - but I dance like monkey - arms all flailing - as I fast and remove the impurities so my body can speak more cleanly, more clearly - the pain in my breasts, under my arms travels - and is talking to me - saying listen - are you listening? That once - that twice - serve me well and I will serve you well it says - love me - clean me - thank me with your actions - I am not here just to be your servant - I am your temple and need a wind to rush through - up ending everything so you can be freer, cleaner, more of the love that you are.




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