Fade to black
SOC Writing _ 2.11.21
Fade to black
This time, it’s different - you and me - in a stream of life - a stream of consciousness - never ending - the way we go is the way we go. I’ve wondered about the way trees sway like as a dance - do not knock each other over but live in a perfect harmony - support one another - co-facilitate their process - their growth - their satisfaction through one another. My wrists hurt. Its in this support they get what they need - lean up hard in a storm - lean back and take the blow for each other in symbiosis - like us - leaning in - leaning against - the sky - the water - these too are lean in friends - and we have each other - each others backs - in time of sorrow - in time of travail - we turn up. Love, we turn up. And I can’t but wonder - love - can’t but wonder - heart full, mouth dry - you arrive in just over 24 hours and I’m not prepared - haven't made the room so - and just don’t - don't put myself into things that are not yet important - though they are - I care. Care about you and your comfort - care that you are happy - wish nothing more than to see you satisfied with me and not looking anywhere else for that. Only come - come with no fear - no agenda - no holding back - no nothingness - just your something - body, animal, mind, soul skin - the avocado tree where we first really gazed at each other is flowering and dropping her fecund parts down about the land - and the land is wet and ready for growth - the growth that is happening in hidden places is exciting - just as it is hard for the plant on top to show any change until its roots are set and prepared - then watch it take off - like my elderflower - struggling it would seem last year - now a freakish pace of green splendour - I’m guessing that's what’s going to happen to me - happen to you - when we meet again in a different world - glad to finally just be, us.