I landed here - on this soil - this place - my stars aligned as I jumped from star to earth via my mother and father - this sacred ground - my place to be firm - have my feet planted. Like Wendell Berry - is it my call to go home and till soil, make food, make home - spread myself out on the smallest area to have the largest impact? I don’t know. My heart is aroused - it may just be the coffee - Colombia calling. It may be any number of things - but this morning I awoke thinking of a certain piece of land and now I will go and spend a night and day with her. Her sides girded by the mighty Manatwatū. The fish maybe spawning and what will this spawn in me? A whole sense of wholeness - a new found freedom to wrap up all the the little bits of me and fling them like my ashes upon the waters - troubled waters - she asked the question: was this the land, this county for her? I believe it can be, but I would - desiring as I do a life close in and personal with her fecund life - wanting to join me and you with purpose - and it seems to call for a solidity with a place - maybe it is two places - land across land - our countries so very similar and very odd. Yours - ancient land marks set in stone - magic permeating everything - and poetry and Celts - so much - so much to joy and sorrow over. Here - me - molten rock - volcanoes - block thrusted horst mountains and a country that escaped man for so long - the culture here is in the elements - the old birds, lizards and stone - moss and lichen and the giant tōtata that have not see the sharp bite of steel. We are equally matched, you and I - land with land - we are pieces of a puzzle - north/south - hot/cool - peoples who left your land to somehow extract the wild soul of the down under - antipodean - the stars - I will show you how they shine - free from light - they will penetrate you as I gaze on - you have a life of words to pour forth and as you do I will wait and whisper love - wait and hope and glory in this find of immense treasure - you my landed one, soul to soul.